Concord Grape Vine

Concord Grape Vine
Concord Grape Vine
Concord Grape Vine
Concord Grape Vine
Concord Grape Vine

Concord Grape Vine

  • You're good to grow this in Zone X
Costco Price
Regular price
Costco Price
Costco Price
Botanical Name: Vitis labrusca 'Concord'
Years to Fruit: 2-4 years; self fertile
Lifecycle: Perennial
Attracts: Butterflies, Bees, Pollinators
Bloom Season: Spring
Care: Provide enriched, well-drained, slightly acidic soil; water regularly; prune after fruiting

  • Average delivery in 2-8 days

The Concord Grape Vine is a classic known variety for producing clusters of rich, sweet grapes that are perfect for fresh eating, juicing, or making jams and jellies. This vigorous, deciduous vine exhibits a strong and hardy nature, making it well-suited for various growing conditions and regions. With its abundance of flavorful grapes and stunning fall foliage, the Concord Grape Vine is an ideal choice for those seeking a reliable and fruitful addition to their vineyard or garden.

Unique Plant Features:

  • The Concord Grape Vine's grapes are known for their distinct and bold flavor, setting them apart from other grape varieties.
  • This vine is exceptionally hardy and can withstand colder climates, making it suitable for regions with harsh winters.
  • The Concord grapes are not only perfect for fresh consumption but also ideal for making grape juice, wine, preserves, and desserts.
  • In addition to its fruit-bearing qualities, the vine displays stunning fall foliage, adding a touch of beauty and ornamental appeal to the landscape.

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      Full sun

      Foliage Color

      Mature Width
      8-10 ft

      Mature Height
      5-6 ft

      Growing Zones 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

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