The Crystal Tide Daylily is a captivating perennial that showcases large, ruffled, and fragrant flowers in a delicate shade of pale yellow. This daylily variety blooms profusely in the summer, providing a vibrant burst of color and elegance to any garden or landscape. With its hardy nature, extended bloom period, and ability to attract pollinators, the Crystal Tide Daylily is a must-have addition for any flower enthusiast.
Unique Plant Features:
Unique Plant Features:
- The Crystal Tide Daylily stands out with its 4-5 inch wide flowers, adding a touch of grace and charm to any garden.
- This daylily variety offers an extended bloom period, ensuring abundant blooms and continuous beauty throughout the summer season.
- Crystal Tide Daylily is known for its cold hardy nature, withstanding various weather conditions down to zone 4 and requiring minimal care and maintenance.
- The vibrant flowers of the daylily attract pollinators such as bees and butterflies, making it a beneficial choice for supporting local ecosystems.
Warning: Not for Human or Animal Consumption
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Sunlight Full Sun / Partial Shade
Flower Color
Foliage Color
Mature Width
1-2 ft
Mature Height 2-3 ft
Growing Zones 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
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