Cawtaba Grape

Cawtaba Grape
Cawtaba Grape
Cawtaba Grape
Cawtaba Grape
Cawtaba Grape
Cawtaba Grape

Cawtaba Grape

  • You're good to grow this in Zone X
Costco Price
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Costco Price
Costco Price
Botanical Name: Vitis labrusca 'Catawba'
Years to Fruit: 2-4 years; self-fertile
Lifecycle: Perennial
Attracts: Bees, Pollinators
Care: Provide enriched, well-drained, slightly acidic soil; water regularly; prune after fruiting

  • Average delivery in 2-8 days
The Catawba Grape is a popular and versatile grape variety that is perfect for both home gardens and commercial vineyards. With its sweet and juicy flavor, this grape is commonly used for fresh eating, juice, wine, and jams/jellies. The Catawba Grape is known for its vigorous growth, resistance to diseases, and adaptability to various growing conditions.

Unique Plant Features:
  • One of the most distinguished features of the Catawba Grape is its sweet and rich flavor profile. It has a unique taste that is often described as having a fruity and musky flavor, with hints of strawberry, raspberry, and plum.
  • The Catawba Grape is versatile in use, making it a preferred choice for growers who desire a multi-purpose plant.
  • It is frequently used to make wine, jams and jellies, juice, and fresh eating. Its adaptability makes it an excellent option for both home growers and commercial vineyards.
  • The Catawba Grape has exceptional resistance to common grape diseases such as black rot and powdery mildew. 
  • The Catawba Grape is noted for its adaptability to various growing conditions, including colder climates. It is suitable for USDA hardiness zones 5-8, and can grow well in a range of soil types and pH levels.
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Full sun

Foliage Color

Mature Width
8-10 ft

Mature Height
5-7 ft

Growing Zones 5, 6, 7, 8

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