Natchez Blackberry

Natchez Blackberry
Natchez Blackberry
Natchez Blackberry
Natchez Blackberry
Natchez Blackberry
Natchez Blackberry
Natchez Blackberry
Natchez Blackberry

Natchez Blackberry

  • You're good to grow this in Zone X
Costco Price
Regular price
Costco Price
Costco Price
Botanical Name: Rubus fruticosus 'Natchez'
Years to Fruit: 1-2 years; self fertile
Lifecycle: Perennial
Attracts: Butterflies, Bees, Pollinators
Bloom Season: Spring
Care: Provide enriched, well-drained, slightly acidic soil; water regularly; prune after fruiting

  • Average delivery in 2-8 days

The Natchez Blackberry is a versatile and productive fruiting plant that is perfect for home gardens. This thornless variety produces large, sweet berries that are perfect for fresh eating, baking, or making delicious jams and preserves. With its vigorous growth habit and high disease resistance, the Natchez Blackberry is easy to care for and will provide a bountiful harvest year after year during the summer months.

Unique Plant Features:

  • Thornless variety, making it easier to harvest the delicious berries without the worry of getting pricked by thorns.
  • Vigorous growth habit, allowing the plant to establish quickly and produce a high yield of berries.
  • High disease resistance, reducing the need for chemical sprays or intensive maintenance to keep the plant healthy and productive.
  • Self-fertile, meaning only one plant is needed for berry production, making it suitable for smaller gardens or spaces.

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Full Sun

Foliage Color

Flower Color

Mature Width
3-4 ft

Mature Height
4-5 ft

Growing Zones 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

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