Nuttall Oak Tree

Nuttall Oak Tree
Nuttall Oak Tree
Nuttall Oak Tree
Nuttall Oak Tree
Nuttall Oak Tree
Nuttall Oak Tree

Nuttall Oak Tree

  • You're good to grow this in Zone X
Costco Price
Regular price
Costco Price
Costco Price
Botanical Name: Quercus Texana
Lifecycle: Perennial
Attracts: Squirrels, Deer, Birds
Bloom Season: None
Care: Provide enriched, well-drained, slightly acidic soil; water regularly

  • Average delivery in 2-8 days

The Nuttall Oak Tree is a beautiful deciduous tree valued for its vibrant fall foliage and excellent shade benefits. This tree grows at a moderate to fast pace, typically reaching a mature height of 50-80 feet. The Nuttall Oak is a hardy tree, thriving in well-draining soils and enjoying full sun exposure.

Unique Plant Features:

  • Offers excellent shade benefits once established, which can help to reduce energy costs and provide relief from the heat of the sun in the summer.
  • Adaptable to different soil types, including upland soils, loams, and acidic clay soils, making it suitable for a variety of landscapes.
  • Vibrant fall foliage ranging from orange-red to crimson in color, providing stunning autumnal beauty in your garden.
  • Produces abundant acorns that provide food for deer and other wildlife
  • Fast-growing and long-lived, this tree can reach maturity in just a few years, making it a valuable and lasting addition to any landscape.

Warning: Not for Human or Animal Consumption

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Full Sun

Flower Color

Foliage Color
Green, Red

Mature Width
40-65 ft

Mature Height
60-80 ft

Growing Zones 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

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