Willow Oak Tree

Willow Oak Tree
Willow Oak Tree
Willow Oak Tree
Willow Oak Tree
Willow Oak Tree
Willow Oak Tree
Willow Oak Tree

Willow Oak Tree

  • You're good to grow this in Zone X
Costco Price
Regular price
Costco Price
Costco Price
Botanical Name: Quercus phellos
Lifecycle: Perennial
Attracts: Squirrels, Deer, Birds
Bloom Season: None
Care: Provide enriched, well-drained, slightly acidic soil; water regularly

  • Average delivery in 2-8 days

The Willow Oak Tree is a stately and majestic tree known for its slender, willow-like leaves and graceful form. This deciduous tree is highly versatile and can thrive in a wide range of soil conditions, making it a popular choice for landscaping projects. With its tolerance to urban environments and excellent shade-providing capabilities, the Willow Oak Tree is a perfect addition to parks, residential areas, and large open spaces.

Unique Plant Features:

  • Slender and willow-like leaves give the tree an elegant and delicate appearance, adding a touch of grace to any landscape.
  • Produces an abundance of acorns, providing a valuable food source for various wildlife, including squirrels and birds.
  • Exhibits excellent tolerance to urban environments, such as pollution and compacted soil, making it suitable for planting in city parks and along streets.
  • Provides ample shade with its broad, spreading canopy, creating a cool and comfortable outdoor space during hot summer months.
  • Resistant to many common oak pests and diseases, reducing the need for extensive maintenance and treatments to keep the tree healthy.

Warning: Not for Human or Animal Consumption

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Full Sun

Flower Color
Yellow, green

Foliage Color

Mature Width
30-40 ft

Mature Height
40-75 ft

Growing Zones 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

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